I would like to say happy anniversary to myself as of March 24, 2014. I have worked very hard over the last eight years to stay alive and to keep the weight off. I have still kept off 300lbs and had 42lbs of extra skin removed. Last year I had my dreams come true and my arms were done. Thanks to the most amazing brother in the world for making it happen and having Plastic Surgeons as friends in Beverly Hills. If you’re going to get work done go to the best. Don’t cut costs with your life. I am so thankful for my family and friends that stuck by me. Believe me I can count the friends left post-op on one hand. The rest have all gone away for one reason or another. I know it is hard to watch someone close to you change. Some friends left because my health issues make them sad so they just rather forget about me.
I had so many dreams when this first began. I had no idea I would be here eight years later still sharing my story, my journey. It never ends until I die. I will always have an addiction to sugar. During the last year of therapy we have broken everything down and it is sugar. Sugar is not my friend and I stay away from it for long periods of time. Then once I am done with sugar detox I fuck up again and have a cookie or a pastry. It can turn into a binge/graze over a few days because it takes a week to eat all of the cookies. Then the detox begins all over again till I break. I did make it years with out it in the beginning. Even though it makes me throw up if I have too much I still want it. The anxiety takes over and the sugar calls me to it.
I lose and gain 10lbs every month. It is fluid due to still having congestive heart failure which never goes away. Water pills keep it under control and I watch my salt intake. I still don’t eat fast food or drink soda. I rarely eat out and if I do it is special things I don’t make like Sushi or Pho’. My knees are gone so cane time. My dreams of wearing heels ever again has been put to rest. Now I wear shoes for comfort due to bone on bone knees and a crushed ankle. This is what I did to myself. This is what I have to live with now that the dust has settled. The best news is I still haven’t gained any of it back!
Plenty of people hate me because I had the surgery and because I survived. I am not dead yet people and am truly sorry for your family or friends that did not survive. There is so much hate in the Size Acceptance Community. I am not a cheerleader for weight loss surgery. I did what I had to do and will fight till the end to make it work. I have been cyber lynched, cyber stalked, cyber hate mail, cyber threats, cyber insults daily. All from people who should be happy for me instead they hate me. They don’t matter but be warned that post op life will change and you will lose friends.
Just know who you are as I know who I am. I have a concrete family foundation that will always have my back. If you have one too you can’t fail. Also believe that you are worth it, because you deserve to be able to have a life outside of your bed. You deserve to not feel trapped by your own body and mind. There will always be highs and lows, but never quit on yourself. Good luck to everyone starting their journey and thank you to all the people who have supported me over the last eight years. I couldn’t have done any of this alone. I am still doing this one day at a time. I wish you all the best in your life choices.
MoMo Out!
Me now a days.
Before surgery